Something Beautiful


In 1997 God said, ”Go build your home down in the swamp!”  We did, but why?  “I want you to make something beautiful where no one expects it.”  

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 That started with making a road, digging ditches, building a bridge, clearing scrub, and planting trees.  Then as we slowly did that, we saw the “why”.  People started coming to live alongside us, and the area around our place slowly filled up with houses and families. 


 Then God touched our hearts and showed us how we could help these families, especially the children – the next generation – helping them learn to read, write and understand, treating them with dignity, respect and kindness in order to empower them towards a better future.

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He gave us the vision to build a Multi-Educational Centre, where we could teach and effect positive change in young lives; and then in an incredible way He provided us with the funds to accomplish that dream. 


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The Centre was built in a year, and by the end of 2006 we were using it daily for preschool classes and twice a week for girls’ and boys’ clubs.  Little by little we began to see results; changes in the kids’ lives that showed that the Centre was for them a safe and positive place to be.  By 2009 the girls’ and boys’ clubs had expanded so much we started a teen club as well. 

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 This was most encouraging, as time went by we could see the effects of positive relationships and Biblical values taking root in their lives.   Parents told us of the huge difference the Centre’s activities made in their children’s lives, both in behaviour and in educational success. 


 The safe, caring and inspiring environment is what makes the difference - the love of Jesus shining through the lives of the leaders, along with fair discipline, Biblical values, learning new skills and games, all with the aim to bring them to a life-changing faith in God. 

 So yes, we are seeing the Spirit of God turn lives into “something beautiful where no one expects it” in a small corner of South America.


An amazing atmosphere!